Pauline The Publisher

In this Blog you will get a little bit of an insight into the world of publishing via the rantings, and hopefully ravings, of Pauline The Publisher, who is relatively new to the world of publishing contemporary & erotic fiction at the same time being a mum and a full time PA within a large corporation.

Location: Hampshire, United Kingdom

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Through the Mist is here!


Well, after alot of stress our new book is now here!!! I took delivery of it last Thursday (yes I know it's been a few days between then and now - but I've been rather busy!). It is as lovely and as fantastic as I hoped it would be :)

The printers have done the most fantastic job I could have possibly wished for.

A beautiful matt cover.
Gorgeous paper on the inside.
And crisp cutting & folding.
(All the spines are central - which was core to my using these guys as my previous printers didn't do such a great job on them!)

So, a very HUGE thank you to Dale & Andy from printondemand-worldwide - a beautiful job - perfectly carried out.

It has certainly restored my faith in printers now. There is no describing the feeling of when you take delivery of a brand new book that you 've been working on for months, only to find that the first pack that you open - most of the spines are not central, and are wrapping around to either the front or the back of the book. Gutted comes to mind - that was exactly what happened on the first book I published after taking on the business. A third of that stock is not good enough to sell via the likes of Amazon or through the bookstores - my sense of pride won't allow it. You can't have several books side by side - and words & images sliding off - it's just not good!

Hey ho, but THIS book - well, another story altogether! (Scuse the pun - it wasn't intended!)


Oh, in my last blog, I mentioned that I had created a new imprint for us - Purple Velvet. Well, what alot of work that generates! That's one of the reason's why it's taken a few days from delivery of book, to publishing today's blog about it! So many things to tie in, and set in place before I can even put up the information / data - to all the relevant agencies / distributors etc., etc.. I do think though, I am just about there now. If I'm not, however, it is the London Bookfair next week - and I'll be popping along there - so can pick the brains of the relevant people I need to ensure I get it right.

This is only the third time I've published a real live book - and it's still really exciting - if a little stressful. But I did it! And I sold a copy yesterday too! I showed it to my boss & he bought a copy for his wife - so cool! The author has also sold a few copies too since last Thursday - so that's even better :)

Lets hope they start flying off the shelves, then we can print some more and then - Richard & Judy - here we come!

So now all the relevant data has been input, covers uploaded, I have to try to sort out a masterplan regarding marketing. That's not so easy. Marketing on a shoestring is never easy - but I think I'm slowly working on a plan. Putting a few things in place.

Oh - talking of which - does anyone have a VW Camper Van I could borrow for a weekend?!

Right that's it for me - I've had way too many late nights since last Thursday - I need to be refreshed to get my marketing head set into gear.

Please drop by again shortly and I'll let you know how and if I've progressed any further.

Don't forget - you can get the book direct from us on our website! :)

Get yourself a fantastic summer read :) Check it out!

Book details:
Title: Through the Mist
Author: Michael Keene
Type: Paperback
Price: £6.99
Pages: 306
Size: (h)197mm x (w)130mm
ISBN: 9781905909018


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Another Title almost ready in paperback!


Well, it's not been months & months this time since my last post - only just over a month - so I'm getting a little better don't you think?

Well, I've been working extremely hard, finalising our latest title 'Through The Mist', a fantastic summer read - and hopefully, I will have the actual printed copies in my hand for the 31st of March. I still haven't quite gotten into the hang of trying to stay 4-6 months ahead of the game - I can't break out of the spontaneous mould unfortunately - so I'm frantically ensuring that all the background information is all sorted and ready to enable the sales & marketing etc., of our new book title.

After much deliberation and months of mulling over imprint possibilties, after a session in the think tank (bath with lots of bubbles) last week, I finally decided on a new imprint for our 'Contemporary fiction' titles - Purple Velvet. I also, on the same evening came up with a second imprint for our 'Erotic' titles - Crimson Pearl. Both the names just flow rather nicely I think - so now our books will be stamped with their own identity rather than coming under 'Collective Publishing'. Feels like things may just be coming together after all this time.

I sent out a press release relating to our new imprints - my husband read it today (it appeared along side an article about Ken Livingstone's biography, and Tolkein's hobbit) and asked if I'd written it as it was quite good! Who else would have written it I asked?!

I will take it as a compliment as he doesn't dish out compliments very often - and considering I wrote it at some un-godly hour - I am quietly chuffed!

So, last week was extremely busy, I came up with the imprints, finished off the book cover back page, finalised the layout - doing sanity checks on every page - (just as well, as I'd lost the end of a sentence half way through the book!) - pdf'd book contents & cover in accordance with the printers requirements, (they (namely Dale) have (has) been very patient with my strange questions), and confirmed approval of my lovely proof copy which arrived in the post on Thursday. Approvals all sent through Thursday afternoon - and now I am just waiting...
It is definitely still exciting to take delivery of a new book. This will be my third one now, since taking over the business some three and a half years ago now (bloody hell, is it really that long?!).

As always though, my critical eye has found a few things that I will need to change next time round for book two (it's a trilogy you see... ), only layout-type stuff, but that's just down to me and my personal preference - but hey, I'm still learning.

Whilst checking all my data was in tact in the various databases all publisher rely upon to get their titles out there - I discovered that I hadn't uploaded our last title up to Googleprint/search - so I had to rectify that one rather quickly.

Also, now I'd come up with our new imprints - frantic emails had to be written to check that my ISBN's could be used with new said imprints, and that the likes of Amazon & Google etc, could handle imprints! (Not necessarily the case though I have now found out - but that's one of the challenges for this week!)

I had an interesting email today from to different people offering forms of marketing for independent publishers - I may just take them up on it :-) - everything helps these days - we need to be a bit more visible as the big boys just make us disappear into oblivion.

So, where were we - oh yes, imprints, book finalised & off to printers, uploads & catalogueing data etc., and conjuring up a way of promoting / launching our new book.

Now how on earth am I going to fit in my full time job?!

OK - time for me to go - it's nearly midnight and I have another full on day tomorrow (in my other life as an Executive Secretary which is rather crazy!).
I hope to hear soon when I will be receiving my new books.

Watch this space....

Come back soon...


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Where does time go??

Yes, I know, It's been some months yet again since I have written in my blog.
There really aren't enough hours in the day, or night any more. I have decided that I need to clone myself - several times over! One to do my day job, one to run the publishing business, one to sort out the housework etc., and then one - the real me - so that I can do all the things I really like to do!
It feels as though I am getting nowhere fast. I try to keep our website up to date - I state - we are not accepting submissions at this time - but still, we keep getting emails requesting if we are accepting submissions, and where can they send them to. Aaaarrggghhh!
How not to pi** off the publisher:
Read the website
Don't ask for information from publisher which is already held on website (you would have had to go there in order to send an email!)
Don't expect an answer from the publisher who is already hard pressed for time, because you haven't had a response in a few weeks (granted this sometimes runs into months - but I will get round to answering everyone... eventually - which is probably more than some publishers)
Don't assume that you can actually write!
Don't try sending in stories that really aren't what we are looking for

Ok, that rant over for now.

Next rant - the bank!!
They called today, asking if there was anything they can do to help.
I said there was lots they can do, but they probably won't as they weren't prepared to the last time they asked, which cost us dear!

Silence at end of phone....

I don't ask for the earth - just a little bit of leaway. I thought banks were supposed to encourage & help businesses. All they seem to do is suck the energy from you together with any money you may actually have by way of fees & charges and not actually help you to get your business ticking over the way you would like.

Ok - I think that's enough ranting!!!

In my last post you will have read that we put out our first real eBook - Through the Mist. You can get it from our website AND you can also get it from Mobipocket - ever heard of them??? Thought not! They are some part of Amazon as I understand - but not accessible via Amazon - or at least I haven't found a way in yet!
So, no sales via that route yet - but, as always forever hopeful!

So, knowing how I love the feel & smell of paperback books - we are looking to be traditional once more & go for a print run next month! Iknow exactly what I want and I know the printers who I hope will do a fantastic job for me (I met them at the London Book Fair last year - I hope they will remember me as they stood me up for ages & ages! So I think they owe me a good deal!)
It may mean a trip up to East Anglia direction - but I prefer to deal face to face with my printers & in fact anyone else I work with. I believe in the personal approach.
It's why I am reluctant to go overseas to get my printing done - even if they can be done cheaper, and can't just nip in the car if something goes a bit iffy!

I still think there's alot to be said for personal service / personal contact.
You can't look someone in the eye over the phone (well perhaps you can these days with video phones) or an email, you can't be fobbed off so easily if you are there in person.

So, watch this space, as soon as we have said paperback ready I'll post in here,on our website (of course!), and it will be available in all the usual outlets, amazon, waterstones, etc., etc..

So, do come back again ....

PaulineThePublisher :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Through The Mist

Our fantastic new title -

Through The Mist,
by Michael Keene.

Published October 2007

available in eBook format
for just £6.99

A New Title - at last! Through The Mist is published!

Hello once again.

It has been quite a mad time since I last posted on here, so, once again I must apologise. There has been no respite for this working mum!

Ok - it has been well and truly a labour of love. I read the manuscript for this new book quite some months ago (read almost two years), and fell in love with it. It was a gorgeously warm time of year, when you could sit outside of an evening and not get chilled too early on. I'd sit in the swinging garden chair, and would read the manuscript until I couldn't see the text any more. I so desperately wanted to know what happened next in the plot.

The tale moved along at a very reasonable pace, and the tone captured the locations and the experiences delightfully. Wonderful humour and a few twists and turns in the tale - some that you don't necessarily see coming.

So, as far as rites of passage goes, this is an excellent read. A road trip, some sex, fantastic locations, and an introduction to some other ways of life (you'll have to read it to find out what I mean!), and more sex - both gay & straight - take your pick, romance and humour. A wonderful mix of life & growing up.

I've categorised it under Modern and Contemporary fiction - as that's what it is, it doesn't really slot into any defined genre - it's not a romance novel, it's not erotic novel, it's not a gay novel, it's a 'little bit of everything' novel.

So, the title of this wonderous story, (I almost forgot to tell you) is 'Through The Mist' by Michael Keene, a wonderfully patient author!

I hope the readers enjoy it as much as I did. We've tried to keep it in line with the original manuscript as much as possible, with a few editorial perogatives of course!

We've decided to give people the option of checking out the first three chapters for free via our publisher's website - so, if you're reading this - go on, give it a try - you may actually like it and want more!

I did!

So, watch this space. This is the first of a trilogy - so, if my author has faith in my skills (albeit I am still a novitiate in the majestic world of publishing - is there a name for one of these - answers on a post card please), I hope he will let me produce the next two in the series.

Now, I must read up on how convert the manuscript for MobiPocket, and eReader! Crikey it's 1am already! Well, mission accomplished for tonight - manuscript up online, taster online, and my Blog! A publishers work is never done. Damn I've still got to make the packed lunches!

Come back again and I hope to have more for you soon.


Thursday, August 16, 2007

I am still here!

Oh my goodness. I must apologise for an interminably long time-lapse since writing anything on this blog!

I guess you could be thinking it's possibly for one of two reasons, either sheer laziness, or totally busy!

Well, yes - on both counts!

It has been incrediby hectic and crazy. Perhaps someone should remind me why I decided to become a publisher. It certainly wasn't for the money - that's for sure. It's certainly not for the writers that keep hounding because I haven't been able to read their 'fantastic' submissions and been able to get back to them and let them know all the why's and wherefore's as to their work. Oh yes, I remember - because I love books!! And the particular niche that I work with!

I do have to keep reminding myself - even more so these last few months, when the overdrafts don't seem to be helpful enough, there aren't enough hours at the end of a day (I have a full time job as well as a little one to contend with).

There has to be an easier way....doesn't there?

Well, I haven't been lazy of the last year or so - have been busy trying to keep things afloat - dealing with orders, shipping, and trying to source new printers in readiness for that next best-seller (the one I'm working on at this moment in time), together with trying to come up with new and original ideas, and work on existing ideas, and try to find ways that the business can make a little bit more money!

I've been working on the newest addition to our book titles - which is due to be 'published' any day now - so watch this space. It is coming - it's been a labour of love most definitely.
I read the manuscript a summer (or was it two?) ago, and fell in love with it. I couldn't put the manuscript down. I simply had to read it right through to the end. Those summer evenings simply added to the charm of the manuscript. To me, that depicts a good read. Granted it needed a little bit of editing (which at times I wish I'd done in the first instance when I read it through for the first time - but then it would have detracted from the story and perhaps I might not have enjoyed it so much) - but all in all it was a brilliant tale of one lad's journey through life and love and growing up - it had humour, it has love, it had passion - it also had a camper van!
(I really do still want one of those!)

The writer, bless him, has been so patient with me (a fellow pisces), it has taken me an indefinite age to get the task almost to completion. But I want to do it right - I want it to be perfect (perhaps that's where I go wrong?!) - I want to do a good job for him as he's put in hours and hours of hard work, writing & re-writing the 300 pages or more. A journey for him and a journey for me.

I'm still learning - seemingly the hard way - but I do take pride in what I do.

So, in the next week or two we will have our newest title available in one form or another. Another grovelling session at the bank I daresay. If all else fails - then some creative thinking will be required - needless to say, we will get it out there!

Determination never fails.

So - watch this space and you'll get to see our newest book - a slight diversion from what we normally do, but I think it's a great read.

Thank you for dropping by - do drop by again (now I've remembered my log in & password I don't have any excuse - especially as I have a book to promote!)

Speak to you soon.


Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The lovely bank ...

Hi Folks,

Well, it's been a stressful week so far (and it's only Tuesday!).
After receiving a letter in the post yesterday morning about having gone somewhat over the overdraft limit I feel ill!

A couple of weeks ago I asked for an increase in our overdraft limit as I knew we had a few things to come out of it which would take it not particularly significantly higher. We had just printed a book after all, and was about to embark on a PR campaign as well at Erotica.
Needless to say, only half of what I needed - note the word NEEDED, rather than WANTED - was sanctioned.

So, it was no surprise to me really, that our overdraft was just shy of the amount I had previously requested!

After some grovelling to the lovely man at the end of the phone (you don't seem to get real bank managers you can visit these days it would seem) provided I stuck to a few rules, and informed them of what was going on - I would have to pay £4 a day for the privilege of being overdrawn past my limit. Whoopee dooo da!

What are we to do. We are a small business, I asked in advance for the amount I knew we would be going overdrawn by.
We are a small business, we are working all hours to try and made a success of this business. We really haven't had much support (I feel) during our first year from the bank - only to try and sell us other services which cost us heaps! No real assistance like, how do you cope with 90 days accounts, and cash flow and keeping on top of invoicing and the like?! Now perhaps I have this slightly wrong, but isn't that what banks are supposed to be able to help you with - how to look after your money & hopefully become profitable?

Isn't it their best interests for us to do well?

One would think so - but I guess not.

Well, we have some cheques in today which I can pay in tomorrow - so that will bring the overdraft down a little - still a copule of thousand to go mind! But, in three months time, I will have most of it in the bank - I might not be able to get our next title printed - but hey - we won't have to pay £4 a day any more!

One disillusioned bank customer trying to run a business!

Come back soon!


Thursday, November 17, 2005

Book launch - finally arrives

Hi Folks,

Well, the day of the book launch finally arrived. All that stressing and preparing. Invites out, venue vetted, venue booked, double checked, books packed, press packs put together, websites updated, press releases released. Phew!

Ok, cheque book, credit card etc to pay for everything. Invite list - just in case we get the odd gatecrasher. New outfit - have to look the part!

After a slightly delayed start due to also having to prepare things for the Erotica show as well, which happens tomorrow, and as I'm staying over night in order to get there early, there's more than just the book launch to try and remember, I eventually get out on the road. Still deciding where I'm going to park as I need to get to central london (Covent Garden to be precise), and eventually decide half way down the M3 to park at Richmond - my usual parking place! Train straight in to Waterloo or tube depending on timings. Perfect.

At hotel eventually, after lugging my stupid suitcase (the one with wheels I thought would be perfect as books can be somewhat heavy - stupid me! Forgot the wretched thing likes to twist and not stay balanced at the slightest movement!) - managed to find the hotel, with the help of my trusty A-Z of London. I hate looking like a tourist - but couldn't be helped in this instance.


Cup of tea time!

Oh crikey, 6 O'clock already - need to get to the venue.
Finish getting dressed.
Put face on.
Venue details.
Press pack cards.


Found one. Do you know how close you are to it - the taxi man said - nope! Probably quicker to walk! Ho hum! Disorientated so needed the taxi to get there in a calm and dignified manner.

Roger (my author) is already there, waiting patiently outside - it's just before 6.30pm. we go on down to the basement bar. Music is a bit loud, but we get my 'personal waiter for the night' to switch it down a bit to a more manageable level, so we can actually hear each other speak!

Ah, that's better.

Drinks are ordered, and we can start to relax a bit. Books all laid out. Nibbles ordered. Drinks starting to be drunk.

A steady flow of guest trickle in and the book launch launches! They all get to meet Roger, and he makes some new friends amongst the book buyers, commercial managers, and editors of top notch magazines, and other fellow writers.

The champagane flows, the banter is lively. A good time is had by all.

Oh no! I suddently remember I forgot to take a photo of the Author! He's left already. So take a few pictures with some of my buyers instead, to mark the occasion.

I check with my 'Personal waiter' to see how much money I have left to spend out of the minimum spend figure and there is about £40 left - so we open another bottle of champagne - a lovely pink one - and that goes down a treat - to help wind down the launch.

Bill all paid up, all within budget considering! We all disappear off into the night - at someone's suggestion a handful of us trundle along to a casino in Tottenham Court Road - of which I am now a member! :)

Everyone said they had a lovely night - so I guess all that stress paid off. Not as many people came as I had hoped, I guess there were other, more important things for them to do rather than come and view a book and drink champagne!

Their loss!

Come back again soon!

PaulineThe Publisher