Pauline The Publisher

In this Blog you will get a little bit of an insight into the world of publishing via the rantings, and hopefully ravings, of Pauline The Publisher, who is relatively new to the world of publishing contemporary & erotic fiction at the same time being a mum and a full time PA within a large corporation.

Location: Hampshire, United Kingdom

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A New Title - at last! Through The Mist is published!

Hello once again.

It has been quite a mad time since I last posted on here, so, once again I must apologise. There has been no respite for this working mum!

Ok - it has been well and truly a labour of love. I read the manuscript for this new book quite some months ago (read almost two years), and fell in love with it. It was a gorgeously warm time of year, when you could sit outside of an evening and not get chilled too early on. I'd sit in the swinging garden chair, and would read the manuscript until I couldn't see the text any more. I so desperately wanted to know what happened next in the plot.

The tale moved along at a very reasonable pace, and the tone captured the locations and the experiences delightfully. Wonderful humour and a few twists and turns in the tale - some that you don't necessarily see coming.

So, as far as rites of passage goes, this is an excellent read. A road trip, some sex, fantastic locations, and an introduction to some other ways of life (you'll have to read it to find out what I mean!), and more sex - both gay & straight - take your pick, romance and humour. A wonderful mix of life & growing up.

I've categorised it under Modern and Contemporary fiction - as that's what it is, it doesn't really slot into any defined genre - it's not a romance novel, it's not erotic novel, it's not a gay novel, it's a 'little bit of everything' novel.

So, the title of this wonderous story, (I almost forgot to tell you) is 'Through The Mist' by Michael Keene, a wonderfully patient author!

I hope the readers enjoy it as much as I did. We've tried to keep it in line with the original manuscript as much as possible, with a few editorial perogatives of course!

We've decided to give people the option of checking out the first three chapters for free via our publisher's website - so, if you're reading this - go on, give it a try - you may actually like it and want more!

I did!

So, watch this space. This is the first of a trilogy - so, if my author has faith in my skills (albeit I am still a novitiate in the majestic world of publishing - is there a name for one of these - answers on a post card please), I hope he will let me produce the next two in the series.

Now, I must read up on how convert the manuscript for MobiPocket, and eReader! Crikey it's 1am already! Well, mission accomplished for tonight - manuscript up online, taster online, and my Blog! A publishers work is never done. Damn I've still got to make the packed lunches!

Come back again and I hope to have more for you soon.



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